Steps to Install a Downpipe Diverter for Maximum Efficiency

When it comes to saving water and promoting sustainable living, installing a downpipe diverter can make a significant impact. By collecting rainwater from your roof, the downpipe diverter allows you to use this resource for various purposes around your home. In this post, we will explore step-by-step instructions on how to install a downpipe diverter for maximum efficiency.

I. Understanding Downpipe Diverters

Before we begin the installation process, let’s briefly explore what a downpipe diverter is and how it works. A downpipe diverter redirects rainwater from your roof’s downspout into a storage container or directly onto your garden, bypassing the stormwater drain system.

By capturing rainwater that would otherwise be wasted, you can reduce your reliance on freshwater sources and lower your monthly water bills. Additionally, using rainwater for tasks such as watering plants or washing vehicles can help preserve our valuable groundwater resources.

II. Gather Materials and Tools

Before you begin the installation process, ensure that you have all the necessary materials and tools at hand. Here is a list of what you will need:

  1. Downpipe diverter kit
  2. Tape measure
  3. Hacksaw or pipe cutter (if needed)
  4. Screwdriver
  5. Drill
  6. Spirit level
  7. Silicone sealant (optional)
  8. Screws or brackets (if required for securing the diverter)

III. Locate an Appropriate Installation Spot

Once you have gathered all the necessary supplies, it’s time to choose an appropriate location for installing the downpipe diverter. Select a spot beneath the eaves of your roof where there is sufficient space for placing a storage container or directing water into your garden. Ensure that this area is close to where you plan to use the collected rainwater so that you minimise any excess piping needs later on.

IV . Prepare the Downpipe

Before you can install the downpipe diverter, you may need to cut a section of your existing downpipe to make room for it. Measure and mark the appropriate length where the diverter will be installed. Using a hacksaw or pipe cutter, carefully cut the section out.

V. Install the Diverter

Now that the downpipe is prepared, it’s time to install the diverter. Follow these step-by-step instructions:

  1. Take your downpipe diverter kit and separate its components.
  2. Attach one side of the diverter to your remaining downpipe section by fitting it over the open end.
  3. Slide the bottom of the diverter into the storage container or direct it onto your garden.
  4. Securely attach the upper end of the diverter to your prepared downpipe using screws or brackets if needed.
  5. Use a spirit level to ensure that the diverter is straight and aligns properly with both ends of the downpipe.

VI . Check for Leaks and Test Functionality

After completing installation, check all connections for leaks or gaps between pipes. If any areas require sealing, they should be addressed promptly using silicone sealant.

To test functionality, wait for a rainfall event and observe how effectively rainwater flows from your roof through your newly installed downpipe diverter. Make adjustments if necessary to optimise efficiency.

VII . Maintenance and Tips for Maximum Efficiency

To maximise efficiency and ensure optimal performance of your downpipe diverter, here are some maintenance tips:

1 . Regularly clean debris, such as leaves or twigs, from both ends of the diverting system.

2 . Inspect all joints regularly, tightening any loose screws or fittings as needed.

3 . Check for any buildup in storage containers and empty them periodically, especially before heavy rain events.

4 . Ensure that all pipes are free of leaks by conducting routine inspections.


By installing a downpipe diverter, you can play a vital role in conserving water and promoting sustainability. Follow the steps outlined in this guest post to install your downpipe diverter quickly and efficiently. Remember to maintain your downpipe diverter regularly for optimal performance. Together, we can make a tangible difference in preserving our precious water resources.